Saturday, 12 September 2015


The Supreme Court in Nigeria and the one in the United States America
are now on parallel lines.
While the one Nigeria precisely in 1976 had this to say in the case of Meribe Vs Egwu (1976) NSCC Vol 10 Page 86 that  : In every system of jurisprudence known to us, one of the essential requirements for valid marriage is that it must be the union of a man and a woman thereby creating the status of husband and wife. Indeed, the law governing any decent society should abhor and express its indignation for a woman to woman marriage; and where there is proof that a custom permits such an association the custom must be regarded as repugnant by virtue of the provision of Section 14 (3) of the Evidence Act and ought not to be upheld by the court .

If words truly have meaning,what our Supreme Court was saying is that a marriage should be between a man and a woman.It should not be the other way round as recently declared or decreed by the Supreme court in America that marriage can be between a  man and a man as well as between a woman and a woman.In other words the Supreme court in America has legalized a gay marriage.  Sometime I keep wondering , what Americans mean by their motto or logo : “In God We Trust”. Did the said God ordained gay marriage? Is there any lawyer or any person who has not heard or read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible or in the Quran? I am of the firm view that since motto of America has run contrary to the Will of God ,there is need for the America to change her motto to something else.The gay marriage is not only repugnant to the reasoning but also repugnant to the essence of human existence.

The position of the Nigerian Supreme Court long ago is very instructive and that is that the law governing a decent society  should abhor or express its indignation for a gay marriage.This clearly shows the difference between the two Supreme Courts.The most astonishing thing now is that a woman , one Mrs Kim Davis has been sent to jail in America for her refusal to issue a marriage license to gay couple who are insisting on having the license.The said woman was adamant that she would not issue one because it is against her religious belief for a man to marry another man or a woman to marry another woman.Davis chosen to go prison rather than complying with the American Supreme Court order on gay marriage.The Judge that sentenced Davis also said that he also has a faith but that he has taken an oath and as such he must comply with the oath he has taken and that if the woman would not issue the license he has no choice but to send her to prison and Davis preferred the option of going to prison. 

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